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日期:04-06 17:23:53|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |高一英语教案|人气:740




Period Four (Language and Grammar)

A.Free talk

B.Language study

Task 1. Understand words in different situations

Word study about “advance”and “strike” (individual work)

Judge the different meanings of “advance”or “strike” in the following sentences:

1. The hunter advanced toward the bear carefully.

2. A month has passed but the project has not advanced.

3. He worked so well that his boss advanced him to a higher position.

4. The date of the meeting was advanced form June 10 to June

5. The boy struck the pig with a stick.

6. The workers were striking for higher pay.

7. Typhoon Swan struck Hainan, killing 20 people.

8. On New Year’s Eve, we waited for the clock to strike.

Task 2. Finish the exercises in the text.

Task 3. Talk about people and things using Attributive Clause

First, let students find out some words about things quickly like clock, homework, coat, chocolate, bat, flood, fire, etc from the exercise of word study and describe them as the following example: (pair work)

A clock is a machine that/ which tells time.

Second, let students find out some words about persons quickly such as teacher,

parents, doctor, mother, child, soldier and thief and describe them like this: (pair work)

A teacher is a person who/ that teachers you how to learn.

Third, finish Exercise 2 of Grammar orally. (individual work)

Task 1. Expanded reading

Read the following passage about fire and find out the Attributive Clauses in it and try to understand the use of the relative pronouns. (individual work)


The Great Fire of London that lasted four days started in the very early hours of 2nd September 1666, which destroyed over three-quarters of the old city. 100,000 people whose houses were wooden became homeless.

The fire began in the house of the King’s baker in Pudding Lane. The baker, who could not put out the fire, got out through a window in the roof. A strong wind blew the fire from the baker y into a small hotel next door, which ten spread quickly into Thames Street.

The next day nearly a kilometer of the city was burning along the River Thames. Many people threw their things into the river. Many poor people whom nobody cared stayed in their houses until the last moment. The fire also destroyed many buildings which had a long history and were famous at home and abroad. The fire stopped only when the King finally ordered people to destroyed hundreds of buildings in the path of the fire.

1. Which of the following can be inferred to the main cause that made the fire spread so quickly?

A. The baker set the fire.

B. The baker’s house was made of wood.

C. Wooden houses were too close to each other.

D. The wind was so strong.

2. What would the King do after the fire?

A. Kill the baker.

B. Give the homeless some money.

C. Leave London.

D. Rebuild London.

Task 2. Finish Exercise 1 of Grammar. (individual work)

Task 3. Homework

Preview the next reading material and find out the Attributive Clauses with who, whom, that, which, whose, where and compound sentences with and, but.


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