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九年级英语上学期Lesson 6教案-教案

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Lesson 6



ⅠTeaching Materials

Words: describe, especially, attract, so-called, possible, since, part-time, although, fit, prize, competition, event, Olympic, Waikiki, Honolulu, San Francisco

Phrases: all over, large numbers of, no matter, both…and…, give up, ever since, the Olympic Games

Sentences: Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world.

You can always find surfers out riding the waves.

In the morning, he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop.

ⅡTeaching Objectives

1. Try to understand the whole passage and read the whole lesson fluently and the pronunciation and intonation should be right.

2. Master the following materials:

4Ss Words: describe, especially, attract, so-called, possible, since, part-time, although, fit, prize, competition, event, Olympic

Phrases: all over, large numbers of, no matter, both…and…, give up, ever since, the Olympic Games

Sentences: Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world.

You can always find surfers out riding the waves.

In the morning, he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop.

3. Master the following materials:

3Ss Words: Waikiki, Honolulu, San Francisco

Ⅲ Teaching Points

1. The main points: (1) &(2) in teaching objectives

2. The difficult points: A. the use of “although”

B. the use of “no matter”

C. the use of “ both…and…”

Ⅳ Teaching Procedure

Period 1
1. Organization of the class

Talk about surfing

2. Review

Have you ever been to Qingdao?

Who has ever been to Bondi Beach? None of us.

Has anybody water-skied before? Nobody has.

3. The teaching of the new lesson

A. Lesson 6

In Lesson 5, we learned some water sports. Today, we are going to talk about one of them----surfing.

B. Talk about surfing

Where is the best place for surfing? Why?

Have you ever watched people surf?

What do you think of it?

Ask the students to say something about it.

Teach: fit, prize, competition

Surfing will make you fit( healthy). Maybe you can take part in a surfing competition, then you may win a prize.

C. Part 1 Pre-read

Ask and answer then teach: watch sb. do sth.; describe sth.

D. Part 2

Read and do wb. Ex.1

E. Conclusion.

fit, win a prize

4. Homework

A. Go over what we learn today

B. Read the passage and find out all the new words, try to guess their meaning.

Period 2
Teaching Procedure

1. Organization of the class

Learn the passage

2. Review

Watch sb. do sth.; fit(healthy); win a prize

3. The teaching of the new lesson

A. Paragraph 1

Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.

one of…; be enjoyed by sb.; all over the world= everywhere in the world;

be famous for\ as; especially; attract sb. to somewhere; large numbers of people(it is used to modify countable nouns)= a number of

Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class

B. Paragraph 2

Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.

All the year round= the whole year; the best beaches for surfing;

no matter, eg: No matter where you go, you can always find friendly people.

No matter what he does, we are still his friends.

find sb. doing sth.

Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class

C. Paragraph 3

Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.

So-called; three times a day; if possible; both…and…

Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class

D. Paragraph 4

Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.


give up Chinese= stopping learning Chinese= drop Chinese

give up doing sth.= stop doing sth.

San Franciso;

Ever since;

Work as…;


Have a night off= take a night off

Leave …for doing sth. eg: leave my Sunday for playing football

Make me fit;

Win the first prize

Be an event of the Olympic Games

Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class

E. Conclusion

4. Homework

A. Wb. Ex. 2&3

B. Retell the story

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