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Junior English for ChinaBook 3 Lesson 6-教案

日期:04-06 17:15:33|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |初二英语教案|人气:316

Junior English for ChinaBook 3 Lesson 6-教案,本站还有更多关于初二英语教案,英语教案模板,初二英语上册教案,人教版初二英语教案,初二英语复习教案相关的资料。www.b9b8.com



ⅠTeaching Materials

  Words: describe, especially, attract, so-called, possible, since, part-time, although, fit, prize, competition, event, Olympic, Waikiki, Honolulu, San Francisco

  Phrases: all over, large numbers of, no matter, both…and…, give up, ever since, the Olympic Games

  Sentences: Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world.

           You can always find surfers out riding the waves.

           In the morning, he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop.

ⅡTeaching Objectives

1.      Try to understand the whole passage and read the whole lesson fluently and the pronunciation and intonation should be right.

2.      Master the following materials:

4Ss  Words: describe, especially, attract, so-called, possible, since, part-time, although, fit, prize, competition, event, Olympic

Phrases: all over, large numbers of, no matter, both…and…, give up, ever since, the Olympic Games

Sentences: Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world.

                     You can always find surfers out riding the waves.

                     In the morning, he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop.

3.      Master the following materials:

3Ss Words: Waikiki, Honolulu, San Francisco

Ⅲ Teaching Points

1.      The main points: (1) &(2) in teaching objectives

2.      The difficult points: A. the use of “although”

                   B. the use of “no matter”

                   C. the use of “ both…and…”

Ⅳ Teaching Procedure

Period 1

1.      Organization of the class

Talk about surfing

2.      Review

Have you ever been to Qingdao?

Who has ever been to Bondi Beach?  None of us.

Has anybody water-skied before? Nobody has.

3.      The teaching of the new lesson

A.     Lesson 6

In Lesson 5, we learned some water sports. Today, we are going to talk about one of them----surfing.

B.     Talk about surfing

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