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Lesson 104 教学设计方案

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Lesson 104 教学设计方案,本站还有更多关于初二英语教案,英语教案模板,初二英语上册教案,人教版初二英语教案,初二英语复习教案相关的资料。www.b9b8.com

Lesson 104 教学设计方案


  1. Grasp the rules of spelling and word formation.

  2. 掌握请假条等英文应用文的写作。


  1. Making words

  1) Nouns→Adjectives “+ ful, +y”

  eg. help→helpful sun→sunny

  2)Adjectives→Adverbs “+ly”

  eg. lucky—luckily nice—nicely simple—simply good—will

  3)Verbs→Nouns “+er, +or”

  eg. teach—teacher run—runner visit—visitor

  4) Compounds

  eg. schoolbag

  2. New words and expressions.

  stay in bed, ask for, two days leave, take. . . to. Penguin, as cold as an ice box, all around, all the time, not. . .at all, most of. . . , lay, at last, stand on one s toes, rub, human, shellfish

  教具:Picture, recorder and overhead projector.


  Step 1 Making words


  1.help → helpful, wonder→wonderful, color→colorful

  2.sun → sunny, wind →windy, snow → snowy, hill→ hilly

  3.run→ runner, teach → teacher, driver → driver, listen → listener

  4.shop→ shopkeeper, class→ classroom, some → sometime

  5.lucky→ luckily, true→truly, great→greatly, new→newly

  再让学生观察以上单词并找出词型变换规律:名词变形容词+ ful , y动词变名词+ er, 形容词变副词+ ly


  Step 2 Word study

  教师可以事先让学生收集一些单词的缩写形式和原形,上课时将学生分成小组进行讨论,总结本组所找到的单词。然后,让组长将本组的词写在黑板上,其他同学在下面记录(重复的不记)最后,教师解释What’s anther ways of saying bike/ TV…? 这句话的意思然后再提问,让学生回答。

  教师可进行这样的游戏:让一个学生说short from,另一人学生说出其full from。

  Step 3 Listening

  Listen to the tape and compete the sentences on the page130.

  First Listen and try to get the general meaning of the material.

  Play the tape again and pause after important information. Let the students check the answer.

  Listen sentence by sentence and check the answers.

  Step 4 Writing

  Tell the student how to write a note for sick leave:

  Pay attention to some points. In the note you have to write out clearly the date, who this note is to, why you are asking for a leave, how many days you are asking for, your name, etc.


class=Normal vAlign=top width=444 bgColor=#ffffff>


Dear _____: 



  Explains some phrases.

  1. stay in bed

  He's very sick, so he has to stay in bed.

  2. two days’ leave

  Julia asked for three days, leave from work because her son was ill.

  3. sick leave is a period of time when you are allowed to spend away from work or school because you are ill.


  Step 5 Reading


  Have the students read the story and guess where the penguins live.


  go back to, jump up, stand on my toes, rub, etc.

  Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. 如果觉得Lesson 104 教学设计方案不错,可以推荐给好友哦。

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