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日期:04-06 17:06:29|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |初一英语教案|人气:346


Unit10 Where did you go on vacation ?

The first lesson of unit 10

Step1,Language goal :Talk about past events

Step2,learn some new words

Vacation, mountain, museum, summer camp, exam

Step3,Match the activities with the pictures .

1,e 2,b 3,d 4,c 5,a 6,f 7,g

step4,Listen .Number the people in the picture[1-5]

1, Tina 2,Brad 3,Sally 4,Xiang Hua 5,Tom


Where did the people in activity 1a go on vacation ?Make conversations

A: Where did Tina go on vacation ?

B: She went to the mountains.

The teacher ask students to make some conversation. let them speak this conversation loudly .

Step6,Listen .Where did Nancy, Kevin, and Julie go on vacation ?Match the person with the place.

Answers:1,c 2, a 3,b

Revise these phrases: go on the beach, stay at home , go on New York City

Step7,Listen again. For each question check(√)



Did you …

Yes ,I did

No ,I didn’t


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