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Mainly revision Lesson 69-教案

日期:04-06 16:52:26|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |小学三年级英语教案|人气:134

Mainly revision Lesson 69-教案,本站还有更多关于小学三年级英语教案,英语教案模板,三年级英语上册教案,三年级英语复习教案相关的资料。www.b9b8.com

Lesson 69

Teaching Aims


四会 L69 excuse, steep

L70 British, misty, mist, wonder

L72 club, expert, trap, tent, freeze, alive

三会 L72 progress, self-respect, essential

二会 L70 Mount Qomolangma, Nepal

L72 the Himalaya mountains, k2 = Mount Godwin Austa Kashmir Mountain, second highest in the world anytime






运用所学语言,围绕人类征服自然这一话题,完成教科书和练习册中规定得听,说,读,写任务,阅读课文“Because it’s there”确切理解,并完成有关课文的练习,学会用英语描述人类克服困难,用于历险的经历。

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

T: From today on, well have revision lessons. From the revision lesson, let’s see if we have learned the lessons before well.

Step 2 Presentation

I. T: What do you do when you are waiting for someone and they are late?

Ⅱ . Discuss the question

Step 3 Read and act

I. Listen to the tape

Question: Who is late? (Jim)

Ⅱ . Read after the tape and do Ex l in wb. lesson 69.

Ⅲ . Act out the dialogue in pairs.

Step 4 Practice

I. Deal with Part 2. complete the sentences.

The answers are:

1.ill 2. painful 3. steep 4. quickly 5. confident

Ⅱ. Do Exx2--3 orally in Wb lesson 69

Ⅲ. Do Ex4 individually in wb. lesson 69

Step 5 Consolidation

Translate the following into English









Step 6 Conclusion

“so…that” and “so that”

“so…that”用来引导表示结果或程度的从句,意思为“那样……以致(因而)”,是副词,形容词与副词的连用,其结构是:so + adj. (adv.) +从句

He is so clever that he can solve the problem quickly.


“so that”主要用以引导表示目的的从句,意思为“以便,使能够”,从句谓语常由can, could, may, might, should构成。

Let’s hurry so that we can get there on time.快点,这样我们能准时到达那儿。



I. Read the dialogue of lesson 69

Ⅱ. Act out the dialogue in pairs


Words and expressions of lesson 69

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