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日期:11-07 23:02:30|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |英语工作计划总结|人气:177

Than that with China the kind words addressed to loaded, good faith is simple, he is heart and soul of the dialogue. Concentration than that loaded hypocritical good color, good faith is a single
Pure, he did not excessive refinement, and will not be secular by the ugly cover. Purity of heart, should not落满dust, when we that thick
Dust, his pure heart, will feel calm and happy. The hypocrisy of the wall, it seems to cover up the defects, but also blocked the advance of the Road
Road, so that we lose self, loss of direction. Bit by bit so that we become the good faith of the dark is different from the secular. He is like the sun, our
To illuminate the world, on this piece of brilliance on the ground, with the we will advance.

     Integrity should also be in terms of our own, if the powder was applied by the hypocrisy of our cheeks, it will cease to exist bright. In the dark of the virtual
Pseudo reluctantly because of the dark, helpless and even more hypocritical because of the exhaustion of all to make itself Guangyan, all to no avail, only the light of faith
Is a pioneer in his own heart.

     Pro to the mid-term examinations, it is time to reflect the self, if one uses a beautiful color of the camouflage his outstanding achievements with false Shen lun its own
Quality, and truly bring about the success or failure will be nothing to be ashamed of unremitting pursuit. The reality of emptiness of the heart will only make you a more hollow, and all virtual
Leave only colorful thing goes up in smoke, Guangyan and beautiful, but broken touch. Only the true value will only be carried out glory
In the end.

     Sincerity for your learning, your life with sincerity, integrity of the world exuviate its thick shell, so that the casement open mind. Everyone should have
The integrity of the heart, make a good faith, and this is all hope for a better tomorrow.

     Finally, I hope that in the mid-term examinations achieved excellent results!






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