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日期:11-07 23:02:30|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |英语工作计划总结|人气:152

Loud and clear from our first cry, the endless life the first time they came to us one after another, and gone quietly.
The first time to walk the first time wrestling, the first to laugh, cry the first time. . . . . . When these children first time simple, however none of our life has become a valuable title page diary. Slightly larger, we first became complicated: the first school, the first study, the first rough the first time and playing students. . . . . . They also went to a do not go to. 
These first, although valuable, but we also can start the second time, the second walk, the second wrestling. . . . . . With the second time, people are starting to become not, in their view, what is the first time, but also can have a second it! However, they forget that some have forgotten the first time is irreparable. Life, childhood, time. . . . . . They lost the first time, you can not have. 
The first time make use of these now! Squandered, leaving only a life of regret; make use of these right the first time! Make good use of it, your eyes will no longer be empty, your night will become brighter with. Make good use of it, for your life, add a finishing touch!





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