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日期:11-07 22:56:31|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |节日大全|人气:929



九月九日重阳佳节, 正值秋风送爽,菊花盛放之时节。相传九属阳,两阳双重,故称重阳。重阳节源远流长,魏文帝在《九日与钟繇书》中说:“岁往月来,忽复九月九日,九为阳数,而日月并应,俗嘉其名。” 根据《西京杂记》记载,汉代已有饮菊酒、吃花糕、插茱萸的习俗,历代相沿,亦称此日为“茱萸节”、“菊花节”。

传说汝南地区有一位名叫桓景的人, 跟随道士费长房学道术, 费长房告诉桓景九月九日他家必遭灾劫, 劝他携同家眷,登山暂避。桓景听从, 领家人亲友,佩带茱萸, 携酒登山。翌日, 众人归家, 吓然看见牛羊家禽, 暴尸遍地, 始知逃过一劫。从此,重九登山,尉然成风。

登高望远秋高气爽,天朗气清,本来就是登山的好季节。就是没有桓景的故事, 登高望远也是赏心乐事, 加上神秘的古老传说, 就更有趣味了,所以重九登高,就成为一项传统民间活动。近人更顺道扫墓, 对先人凭吊一番,使这节日又增添了另一层意义。

秋天是赏菊季节, 菊花品种繁多,各显美态。除了观赏,更可入饡, 泡茶及酿酒。据说古时酿制菊花酒, 是在九月九日当天, 采初开的菊花酿酒,放至翌年的重阳享用, 登山饮酒, 菊香酒香盈野, 别有一番风味。

重阳插茱萸这习俗, 在唐代已非常盛行, 唐代诗人王维在九月九日亿山东兄弟一诗中说;
从登高, 插茱萸习俗中, 可见重阳节也跟中国人深厚的家庭观念有关。茱萸又名'越椒' 或'艾子' 是一种长绿的植物, 古人认为佩带这种植物可以趋吉避凶, 所以, 人们会用茱萸制成香囊, 相互馈赠。中国地大物博,或许在不同的地区有大同小异的习俗,但是节日的精神却是相同的。在香港重阳登山扫墓是主要的节日活动之一, 在这天家家户户扶老携幼到祖先墓前拜祭,以表孝心。 
重阳节的资料 英文

The meaning of Chong Yang (Chung Yang) Festival
According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, Chong Yang Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth month of the year ( Oct 19 in this year's solar calendar). In the concept of Taoism's 'yin' and 'yang' theory, nine is the number of 'Yang'. Therefore, the ninth day of the ninth month becomes 'double yang' ( 'chong' means double). 'Yang' represents the active and masculine power while 'yin' is the counter part. The festival has a long history that dates back to the Warring States (475 BC-221BC) and became very popular in Han Dynasty (206BC-220BC). It is generally believed that the festival originated from the activities relating to 'warding off evil' of the day of Chong Yang.

The legend of Chong Yang
There was a man named Huan Jing who became a follower of the master Taoists, Fei Zhang Fang. Fei told Huan that he could predict a disaster would befall Fei's home on the ninth day of the ninth month of the year. He told Huan to escape by taking his family up the mountain for the day. Huan did what Fei told him. They spent a night on the mountain and then went back home the next day. To their surprise, for no apparent reason, their animals and poultry were dead. This mysterious legend made mountain climbing a popular activity on Chong Yang. In fact, autumn is a great time to climb mountains.

Other activities of the day
Enjoy the Chrysanthemum with both Eyes and Mouth
In September, chrysanthemum is in full bloom. There are many different kinds of chrysanthemums and their beauty is unique. They provide mountain climbers with a great deal of enjoyment while climbing. Not just visual enjoyment, but also their fragrance fills the air. The special fragrance of the flower stirs creative ideas in some people. Chinese people use chrysanthemums in many different ways: as food, and in tea and wine. Chrysanthemum wine is thus made for the day.

Wearing the ‘Zhu Yu’ (dogwood)
For a long time, people wore dogwood on the Chong Yang day. It is believed that this scented plant can help promote our spirit and keep us healthy. People made little beautiful pockets and filled them with dogwood. These were referred to as “Xiang Nang ” 香囊(or fragrant pockets), and were given to family and friends as gifts. The tradition dates back to the Tang Dynasty. In the poem 'Think of my Brothers in ShanDong on the Chong Yang Day' written by a Tang poet Wang Wei, the activity of mountain climbing and the wearing of dogwood were vividly depicted with a touch of homesick melancholy. The meaning of the festival is nicely and clearly presented: family values are at the heart of the festival.

Paying Respects to Ancestors
Besides mountain climbing, some people will make this trip even more meaningful by sweeping their ancestors' graves. Family values are emphasized in Chinese culture and paying respects to ancestors is an integral part. In Hong Kong, the sweeping ancestors' graves is one of the most popular activities on Chong Yang.

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