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日期:03-06 21:13:23|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |经典语录|人气:810


两会 语录


&&全国政协副主席李金华说,公务人员财产申报首先需要完整的健全的法律,其次是需要真正如实、准确地申报自己的资产,zg在这个问题上还有大量的 工作 。




Two sayings

Some officials, but their own property, this is the most common property.

LiJinHua vice chairman of the CPPCC national committee, said the public property, the first need to complete the perfect law, the second is really need truthfully, accurately declared their assets, China in this problem have lots of work.

Internet users don't care is public, justice is the disaster.

The Chinese people's political consultative conference, director, vice chairman of the central committee, vice President of the supreme people's court, if Clive said these things, published in Internet, a very calm, analysis and persuasive opinions, will get their attention.

No law can let the teeth as a paper tiger.

Congress said, statutes, in legal relatively perfect cases, more should intensify the supervision of the law enforcement, make laws exemptions. At the same time, with the legal conflict, department regulations should be set up, this must be abolished the speed. No cancellation, not formulate ministries, let ministers, officials to face NPC inquiries "you why can benefit the department against the interests of the state".


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