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高三英语第七单元Angkor Wat_高三英语教案

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</Script>科目 英语
年级 高三
文件 high3 unit7.doc
标题 Angkor Wat
章节 第七单元
关键词 高三英语第七单元

在本单元同学们将要学习有关古迹保护的知识,了解闻名于世的柬埔寨古高棉王朝庞大的宫殿遗址吴哥寺(又名吴哥窟)的历史和现状,树立爱护古迹的战略思想。也许你曾听到过它的美丽传说,见到过它旖旎风光的拍照,看到过它富有神秘色彩的特写镜头。真是“风景这边独好”。春天,万木茂盛,百花盛开;夏天,泉清林翠,风景幽奇;秋天,硕果累累,层林尽染;冬天,银装素裹,悬冰倒挂。课文中对吴哥寺的高度评价是:“As the sun sinks lower , shadows spread across the courtyard . After sunset , the sky turns pink . The grey stone towers take on a golden colour before turning pink . Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet , beautiful place .” ( 随着夕阳西下,院内阴影纵横。日落后,天空一片红霞。灰色的石塔抹上一层金黄色,然后变成粉红色。世界上再没有这样优美、恬静的地方了。) 今天,吴哥寺这座世界文物古迹,正以它独特的魅力吸引着世界各地越来越多的游客。
虽然我们人人都走出国门去领略吴哥寺的风光不现实,但是在本单元的阅读课中,作者用一种趣味盎然的笔调重现吴哥寺的文明和灿烂,让我们从一滴水而感知辽阔的大海,从一只贝壳而聆听渺远的风声。下面就让我们在课文中提到的神秘的古迹中作一次精神旅行吧 !

A. 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南
Obligation (职责)
● Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语 30 句
1. We should finish the task ahead of time . 我们应该提前完成这项艰巨的任务。
2. I think we should paint the windows green . 我认为应该把窗户漆成绿色。
3. Is it necessary to give you a ring immediately ? 有必要立即给你回电话吗 ?
4. We must stop people ( from ) walking on this floor until it\'s firm . 在地板牢固以前,我们不能让人们在地板上走动。
4. I ought to do some studying . 我应该学的东西。
5. You must stay home looking after your mother . 你必须呆在家里照顾你生病的母亲。
6. — Must I be present at the meeting at 7 o\'clock ? 我必须 7 点到会吗 ?
— No , you needn\'t . You may come at around eight . 不,不必要。你可以 8 点左右来。
7. I have to type this report tonight . 今晚我必须打出这份报告。
8. — Do I have to return the dictionary before Friday ? 周五前我必须归还词典吗 ?
— No , you don\'t have to . 不,没必要。
9. In my opinion , you should do your homework more carefully in future . 依我之见,你以后要多注意你的作业。
10. You ought to write to your parents very often . 你应该经常给父母写信。

11. Is it necessary to show your passport at the entrance ? 在入口处得出示护照吗 ?
12. It\'s necessary that you should come to the office tomorrow morning . 明天上午你得到办公室去一下。
13. We must keep the balance of nature . 我们应该保持生态平衡。
14. Students should keep the classroom tidy and clean . 学生应该保持教室整洁。
15. It is necessary to fill in the form at the door . 进门时必须填表。
16. Am I expected to repeat the explanation ? 要不要我把解释再重复一遍 ?
17. Am I supposed to pay a visit to our sick neighbour ? 我是不是探望一下有病的邻居 ?
18. Are we required to make a plan tonight ? 是不是今晚我们必须制定一个计划 ?
19. Is there any need for us to get his permission ? 我们是不是需要得到他的许可 ?
20. I am afraid you will have to walk home on foot . 恐怕你不得不步行回家了。
21. I am afraid you can\'t avoid do some washing by yourself . 恐怕你逃避不掉自己洗衣服了。
22. I think it necessary for you to obey the rules . 我看你有必要服从规章制度。
23. It is for you to decide whether to go or to stay . 是去是留由你决定。
24. There\'s no reason why you should pull down that fence . 没有理由一定要你拆掉那个篱笆。
25. It is up to you decide . 由你决定。
26. Please leave it alone . 请别理它 。
27. You had better not pick the flowers . 你最好别摘这些花。
28. I feel it is my duty to give you a hand . 我感到帮助你是我的职责。
29. No , I mustn\'t be late for class once more . 不, 我决不能再迟到。
30. No , I shouldn\'t tell him a lie . I had better not object to his suggestion . 不,我不应该对他说谎。我最好不反对他的建议。
从以上 30 句可以看出,在提示对方的职责中常用情态动词 must , should , need , have to , had better , ought to , don\'t have to 以及 be supposed to do , be necessary to do 等。
● Model Dialogues 交际示范
Monitor:Who is on duty today ?
Yu Fang:I am .
Monitor:Class will begin in a minute . You should clean the blackboard .
Yu Fang:Sorry , I nearly forgot it . I\'ll do it at once .
Monitor:You have to remember this next time .

Yu Fang:Yes , I will .
Receptionist:Can I help you ?
Guest:Are there any free beds ?
Receptionist:Sure . What kind of room do you like ?
Guest:A single room with a bath .
Receptionist:OK. But you have to fill in this form first .
Guest:Is it necessary ?
Receptionist:Yes , we should also see your ID (身份证) card .
Doctor:Well , Mrs Smith , I\'ve completed my examination and I\'m happy to say it\'s nothing serious .
Mrs Smith:Don\'t you think I should take an X - ray ?
Doctor:I don\'t think an X-ray is necessary for this illness .
Mrs Smith:Will I need a blood transfusion ?
Doctor:No , Mrs Smith , you won\'t need it .
Mrs Smith:Shouldn\'t I stay in bed for the rest of the week ?
Doctor:No , you should get outdoors more and get plenty of exercise .
Mrs Smith:Can I be cured ?
Doctor:You should listen to my advice and I\'m certain you\'ll be fine .
Mr Smith:What should I do ?
Guest:You should put this medicine on your arms every four hours and by tomorrow it will be all gone . There\'s nothing to worry about .
● 高考试题缩影
1. — Shall I tell John about it ?
— No , you . I\'ve told him already . ( NMET 94)
A. needn\'tB. wouldn\'tC. mustn\'tD. shouldn\'t
2. — We could have walked to the station ; it was so near .
— Yes . A taxi at all necessary .( MET 92 )
A. wasn\'tB. hadn\'t beenC. wouldn\'t beD. won\'t be
3. There was a lot of fun at yesterday\'s party . You come , but why didn\'t you ?(99 上海)
A. must haveB. shouldC. need haveD. ought to have
B. 单元重点新词透视
1. smooth 作形容词是“光滑的,平静的,平坦的”;作及物动词是“使光滑,消除困难、障碍”。


Our path in life will not always be smooth . 我们的生活道路不会总是一帆风顺的。
This is a smooth meeting . 这是一次顺利的会议。
The cloth feels smooth . 这布摸起来很光滑。
The sea is smooth . 海面风平浪静。
The gardener smoothed the soil in a flower bed . 园丁平整了花坛的泥土。
(1) smooth 的发音 [ smU:T ] ,比较极是 smoother ,最高级是 smoothest 。过去式是smoothed , 发音为[ smU:Td ] 。用在第三人称后的发音是 smooths [ smU:Tz ]。
(2) 该词的同义词是 calm ,反义词是 rough 。常用搭配是 smooth away “克服困难,消除障碍或者分歧”。如:Don\'t be afraid . We are able to smooth away these difficulties sooner or later . 不要担心,我们迟早会克服这些困难的。/ The guide smoothed away / over the quarrel between the two visitors . 向导平息了那两位游客间的争执。
2. spread ( spread , spread ) 延伸,展开,流传,传播,蔓延
In two years the city has quickly spread for ten miles to the north . 这两年里城市很快地向北延伸了 10 英里。
How terrible ! The forest fire spread quickly . 真可怕 !火势很快地蔓延。
The story of these advanced workers spread quickly . 这些先进工人的事迹很快就传开了。
(1) 特别注意该词的过去式和过去分词形式。如:Word spread quickly about the accident .
(2) the spread of … “……的普及;……的传播;……的蔓延”。这里 spread 是名词。如:the spread of a disease 一种疾病的蔓延。the spread of education 教育的普及。
3. opposite 作形容词是“相反的,对面的,相对的”。作副词是“相反地,对面地”。作名词是“对面,相反,对立物”。注意该词的发音:[ \'Cp[zIt ]
It is strange that he should go in the opposite direction . 真奇

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