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Lesson 16-教案

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Lesson 16-教案,本站还有更多关于初一英语教案,英语教案模板,初一英语上册教案,人教版初一英语教案,初一英语上学期教案相关的资料。www.b9b8.com

Lesson 16

Step 1 Revision

Books closed! Revise the story in SB page 15, Part 1. Ask the questions in SB page 15, Part 2.

Step 2 Word families

SB page 16, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 16.

Practise the pronunciation of these words. Pay special attention to the/u/ sound: make sure the Ss do not prolong it. Use flashcards to practise the words in the usual way. /(+/is a new sound. (See Appendix Ⅱ in TB1.)

Wb Lesson 16, Ex. 1. The answers are: good, book, Who, Sue.

Ask the Ss to distinguish/u/from/u:/when reading what Polly says.

Step 3 Stress and intonation

SB page 16, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 16.

Get the Ss to show the stress and intonation with gestures as they say these sentences.

Step 4 Presentation

Ask a student of his/her plans for one day next week. Get other Ss to ask questions about other days. Then ask e. g. Can he/she go shopping on Tuesday? Help the Ss to reply No, he/she cant.

Hes/Shes going to play basketball.

Pairwork:Ss write down their plans for next week, then ask their partner Can you go shopping on Friday? etc.

Step 5 Ask and answer

Wb Lesson 16, Ex. 2. Ss ask two friends about their plans for next week. Get some Ss to report their answers.

Step 6 Checkpoint 4

Go through the be going to sentences and the adjective forms in Checkpoint 4. Explain any difficulties that the Ss raise. Review the expressions in Checkpoint 4(See page 17 of the TB.)

Step 7 Test

Write this dialogue on the Bb and get the Ss to copy it and fill in the blanks.

Lin Tao:Were going to play football tomorrow.

Sam:Great! ____?

Lin Tao:Sure! Youre welcome!


Lin Tao:Were going to play at two oclock.

Sam:I see. ____?

Lin Tao:Were going to meet outside the park gate.

Sam: All right! See you tomorrow!

Lin Tao: ____!

Suggested answers:1 Can/May I come?

2 What time are you going to play?

3 Where are you going to meet? 4 See you then. /Goodbye.

Step 8 Writing

Wb Lesson 16, Ex. 3 may be done orally. Then get the Ss to fill in the blanks with suitable answers.


Finish off the Wokbook exercises.

Learn the contents of Checkpoint 4.

Write down the complete dialogue in Wb Ex. 3 in the exercise books.

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