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Lesson 6-教案

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Lesson 6-教案,本站还有更多关于初一英语教案,英语教案模板,初一英语上册教案,人教版初一英语教案,初一英语上学期教案相关的资料。www.b9b8.com

Lesson 6

Note:Ordinal numbers (such as sixth) can be taught in the same way as in the previous lessons. Tell Ss that most of them are formed by adding th after corresponding cardinal numbers.

Step 1 Revision

1 Revise, using flash cards, the new words learnt in Lesson 5.

2 Play the I can see game, as in Lesson 5,Step 5.

Step 2 Presentation

Draw a picture of a school on the Bb.

Show a flash card or picture of a bus and say Jim comes to school by bus.

Ss listen and repeat. Teach by bike/car and on foot in the same way. Explain that on is used with foot because people walk on their feet! Note that travel phrases like these have no articles or plurals.

Introduce the word usually. Say Jim usually comes to school by bus, etc. Pay attention to the pronunciation of usually/ju:{u+li/.

Step 3 Drill

Show a flashcard and mention a mention a person, like this:

T:(holding a flashcard of a bike) Bill

Ss:Bill usually comes to school by bike.


Ss:I usually come to school by bike.

T:(holding a flashcard of a pair of feet) Ann

Ss:Ann usually comes to school on foot.

(You could also accept Ann usually walks to school).

Step 4 Practice

SB page 6, Part 1.Speech Cassette Lesson 6.

Listen to the tape and repeat. Practise the dialogue. Then pairwork: get the Ss to make a dialogue for each picture, using the one in the book as a model.

Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues.

Step 5 Ask and answer

SB page 6, Part 2. Ask some individual Ss the question as a model. Then Ss ask their partners the same question in pairs. Finally ask some Ss to report their answers to the class, e.g. My friend comes from Sydney, Australia. His family go home every year by plane.

Step 6 Listening

Wb Lesson 6, Ex. 2. Listening Cassette Lesson6. Ask the Ss How do the six children come to school? Play the tape two or three times, if necessary, for the Ss to find the answers.

Listening text

JIM:Hi, Li Lei! How are you today?

LI LFI:Fine, thanks! Jim, how do you come to School?

JIM:Oh, I usually walk. What about you? How do you come to school?

LI LEI:Oh, I come by bike.

JIM:Do you come with Wei Hua?

LI LEI:No, she comes by bus.

JIM:Oh! Does Wei Hua come to school with Han Meimei?

LI LEI:Oh no! Wei Hua doesnt come with Han Meimei. Han Meimei usually comes by train.

JIM:What about the twins?

LI LEI:Oh, they usually come with their father. They come in their fathers car.

(Answers: Jim-walk/on foot; Li Lei-by bike;Wei Hua-by bus; Han Meimei-by train; the twins-by car)

Step 7 Workbook

Wb Lesson 6, Ex. 3,

Ss should write at least 6 sentences about one of their friends, e.g. Liu Ying usually comes to school by bike. She gets to school early every day, etc. If you think this exercise is difficult, do it orally in class first. Then the Ss can do it for homework.


Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Learn the new words in this lesson.

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